
How do I know if my car is a chipped key


How do I know if my car is a chipped key


How do I know if my car is a chipped key?  There are a few ways to find out and we will get into it.  Car locksmith Sunrise will also go over pricing of some chipped keys and also give you advice to try to save money.  As far as smart keys we will show you how to get the most for your money for cheap.

When it comes to metal keys vs. chipped keys.  First thing to look for is a security light in your car.  Most of the time when you a security light in your car its a chipped key.  Car locksmith Sunrise does not recommend you to try to start your car with a metal key when its a chipped key.  You can definitely lock the security system and that can be a problem that can be avoided.  Especially when you see the theft light blinking that means its a chipped key.  When that happens and you only have a copy metal key either call Car locksmith Sunrise or goto dealer and have a chipped key made and programmed.  The reason to call a locksmith is you don’t have to tow your car to dealer when the locksmith will come to you.  That means you save big on a tow.

A A Lenny Locksmith Sunrise is going give you great advice regarding smart keys and remote keys.  When you need an extra key or you lost your only smart key or remote key.  The best way to save money is order your smart key on Amazon and when you get it call a locksmith to program it. You will save big so now when the locksmith comes over all you have to pay is for programming.  The price for these keys on Amazon are so cheap that you will get a great deal and save big money.  Now if you have any questions about anything feel free to call A Lenny Locksmith anytime and yes we are 24 Hours so call anytime.

How do I know if my car is a chipped key
