Doubled sided deadbolt Locksmith Sunrise
Doubled sided deadbolt locksmith Sunrise. There many reasons and situations why a double sided deadbolt is a good idea. We will go over some of the reasons today. Double sided deadbolts provide more security than a single sided deadbolt.
One reason having a double sided deadbolt is more secure is you have to use a key on both sides this makes more difficult to get into the door it is installed in. This feature is great if you live in a home with an elderly person with dementia or Alzheimer’s. This will make it more difficult for them to get out of the house and wander off. This feature is also great if you have small children. We all know children get curious. If you are in the other room cooking dinner this can keep your mind at ease knowing they are unable to open the front door without having the key to wander off or open the door for someone that may have knocked. A lot of doors today have different designed windows. If you have a door that has a window it is a good idea to have a double sided deadbolt. Having a window in your door makes it easy for thieves to break into your home. They do so by simply breaking the window and they are then able to reach in and unlock your door. They aren’t able to get into your home as easy with the double sided deadbolt.
Doubled sided deadbolt Locksmith Sunrise understand the importance of keeping your home safe and secure. If you are contemplating having your lock changed to a double sided deadbolt please call A Lenny Locksmith. Our locksmith technicians are available for you 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Call today to schedule an appointment or ask us any questions you may have.